What does Mindfulness mean?

Mindfulness helps to connect with the body and allows you to meet with yourself by diving deep into your body sensations. You just need to be aware of what is going on in your surroundings, feel and pay full attention to whatever you do. The miracle by which we master and restore ourselves is Mindfulness. To improve psychological health, the training and continuous practice of mindfulness has proven to be the most effective. Also create a calm feeling within and enjoy the bliss by being aware of everything that you do and feel. Being in this state is like being the sunshine in hazy world.

When you can…

Smile without frowning

Love without hating

Sleep without waking

Care without neglecting 

Believe without doubting

Agree without disapproving

Appreciate without ignoring

then you have truly learned to be in the state of Mindfulness.

“Be in the present moment” by practicing Mindfulness. The more you are in the present moment, the happier you will be. Moment by moment time passes, and the second you think of doing something, it will become your past at the time when you do that work in reality. The complexity that comes with it, can itself make you exhausted or frustrated. Therefore, firstly, calm your mind by practicing simple mindful techniques and need not worry as then automatically the mind will live in the present.

How to be in the present moment?

For you, it may seem impossible to stay in the present with all the hectic schedules and disturbing emotions. Whenever you feel that you are diverted from your goal, bring your attention to the breath and take a few deep breaths. This way make your mind rewire itself to further work efficiently.

It is the tendency of our mind to forget things. And so, there is a simple technique to remember being in the present and taking attention to your breath and self. Take a unique sticker and place it on a door or wall such that it catches your attention effortlessly. Look at that sticker whenever you pass by, and make yourself remember for living in the present. Practicing this for a few days will feed your mind that to live a life, being in the present moment is a necessity, and thus it will indulge as a habit in you since it is ingrained in your subconscious mind. 

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